We Go Surfing

Mike (34)

Mike "The Wave Rider" Thompson is the heart and soul behind Wegosurfing.com. A Santa Cruz native, he's been surfing since age six and combines his love for the ocean with environmental advocacy. His site offers a rich blend of surf spot guides, gear reviews, and conservation insights. Mike's annual surf retreats and community spirit make him a beloved figure in the global surfing community and a champion for marine preservation.

Is Surfing Everyday Good for you?

Is Surfing Every Day Good for You? Health Benefits of Surfing A daily dose of ocean waves might just be the secret ingredient to a healthier life. The concept of 'blue health,' which emphasizes the myriad of benefits associated with water-related activities, places surfing at…

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Know the Best Surfing Conditions

Mastering the Surf Forecast - Know the Best Surfing Conditions Surfing is all about timing—catching the perfect wave at the ideal moment. While surfers live for those exhilarating rides when everything comes together, finding the best surf conditions involves much more than sheer luck. It…

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Best Surfing Spots in the World

Surfing the Best Waves in the World: Best Surf Spots Revealed If you're a surfing enthusiast, you're in for a treat. We've curated a list of the best surfing spots in the world, where you can catch epic waves and experience unforgettable surf adventures. Whether you're an…

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